
I am interested in creating works that are ephemeral, unexpected and in particular interactive. My work employs a variety of media, incorporating both traditional materials such as paper and fabric, as well as more contemporary materials, including electronics and video or sound projections. I’m currently working with electronic components and microcontrollers to make kinetic objects with light and movement as well as exploring photography.

I consider myself as a Post Modernist with links to the Dada Movement and its focus on spontaneity and irreverence toward the more traditional art forms of painting and sculpture. Following the traditions of Dada, my work frequently utilizes intuitive processes and celebrates the whimsical and idiosyncratic aspects of human experience. For example, my motion-activated birds were inspired by my late mother, who decried the overpopulation of geese in her quiet neighborhood but still treasured a life sized bronze goose statue whom she called Bob.
